Erasmus Incoming Students Webpage
Students who have been nominated for an ERASMUS stay at the Department of Humanities and Social Sciencies can find here important information regarding the following topics:
Complete Course Catalogue
Academic Calendar
For the 2016/17 academic year, classes will take place from October the 3rd to December the 22nd (I Semester) and from February the 27th to May the 19th (II Semester).
It is not mandatory to register for attending a course.
Participation in all courses is permitted, even if outside of incoming students' subject area.
Exams are planned in November and December (Extraordinary Session), January and February (Winter session), May, June and July (Summer session) and September (Fall session). It is now available the exam date schedule for every session:
Extraordinary session - from 28th November to 16th December 2016;
Winter session - from 9th January to 17th February 2017;
Summer session - from 22nd May to 14th July 2017;
Fall session: from 4th to 29th September 2017.
Contact Persons for ERASMUS Incoming Students
Departmental Coordinator
Prof. Tania Baumann
Department of Humanities and Social Sciences
Piazza Conte di Moriana 8 (Palazzo Ciancilla) - II piano
07100 Sassari
The Departmental Coordinator is the responsible person for international agreements between University of Sassari and foreign countries.
If you are interested in signing an agreement with the University of Sassari for Erasmus exchange students, staff mobility for training, or staff mobility for teaching, please contact Prof. Baumann.
The Departmental Coordinator also confirms and signs Learning Agreement and its changes, other than any other official documents related to students' Erasmus stay in Sassari.
International Relations Departmental Officer
Anna Barbara Pasqualetto, PhD
Department of Humanities and Social Sciences
via Roma 151 - I piano
07100 Sassari
The International Relations Departmental Officer is in charge of academic support of exchange students.
She provides informations regarding:
-Learning Agreement
International Office
Dr. Antonella Selis
Ufficio Relazioni Internazionali
Largo Macao 32 - I piano
07100 Sassari
The International Office helps students with the general and administrative issues regarding their Erasmus stay in Sassari.
The International Office provides informationa on the following topics:
-Italian courses
-IT-services at the University of Sassari
-admission / student ID card
-confirmations of attendance
-Transcript of Records